Technical conditions for depositing university theses


♦  Provide an electronic copy of the thesis perfectly in line with the paper version.
The digital version must be in a single file in PDF file format on a CD-ROM or DVD.
The digital version must not contain any protection (password, encryption) or digital signature.
It is preferable not to use a program for creating PDF files in trial version, as this would automatically lead to the creation

of a digital tattoo obscuring certain paragraphs of the thesis.
The digital version of the thesis must be accompanied by a file in DOC format Including the title of the thesis, the

summary and a proposalde mots-clés.
In case the thesis is written in a foreign language other than French and English (Russian, German ...),

the title of the thesis, the abstract and the keywords must be provided in French.
 According to the stop N ° 153 of May 14th, 2012 bearing the creation of a central file of the memories and theses and

fixing the modes of feeding, and use.