Loan of books


        The university library is a public service open to the university community, registrations are valid for one year

For students:

it is necessary to present at the reception of the library the library card or the student card.

For teachers:

it is necessary to present at the reception of the library the library card or the professional card.

The card is strictly personal and indispensable for any loan transaction and must be valid.

The number of loanable documents and the loan duration vary according to the status of the reader:

Students 2 books/ 20 days
Postgraduate students 4 books/ 30 days
Teachers 6 books/ 45 days

Late penalties: in case of delay, the duration of the suspension is equal to the number of days of delay multiplied by (7) seven.

Library Clearence: all books must be returned to obtain a discharge allowing re-registration at the library university.

Interlibrary loan: The Inter Library Loan (PEB) allows you to obtain from another library in Algeria documents missing from the collections of the University Library of Skikda, which you can check in the catalog.

The service is aimed at end-of-cycle students and post-graduate students of the University of Skikda.

Each reader who wants to carry out an ILL must go to the secretariat of the direction located on the ground floor to complete the ILL form.

Periodicals and theses: can be consulted on site and cannot be borrowed; you can consult them in the periodicals room.